Exhibitor Pricing is as follows: 2024 Exhibitor LIBOR Affiliate Member_$575 Exhibit PLUS a 6-Month Affiliate Membership_with LIBOR $775* Sponsorships Available Diamond/Speak On Stage – Wrap-Up Session Sponsor _Affiliates: $5,000 / Non-member Affiliates: $5,200*Double Diamond/VIP Book Signing Sponsor _Affiliates: $7,500 / Non-member Affiliates: $7,700*Emerald/VIP Conference Sponsor – Back Cover _ Affiliates: $2,500 / Non-member Affiliates: $2,700*Bronze/Conference Journal Sponsor _ Affiliates: $1,000 Non-Member Affiliates: $1,200* Platinum/Grand Assembly Sponsor _ Affiliates: $15,000 Non-member affiliates: $15,200*Gold/REALTOR® Dessert Reception _Affiliates: $5,000 / Non-member Affiliates: $5,200*Ruby/Dry Bar - Hair Styling Station Sponsor _ Affiliates: $3,000 / Non-Member Affiliates: $3,200*Emerald/VIP Conference Sponsor – Inside Front Cover _ Affiliates: $2,500 / Non-Member Affiliate: $2,700*Silver/A.M. Opening Session Sponsor _ Affiliates: $4,000 / Non-Member Affiliates: $4,200*Sapphire/Company Truck on Display Sponsor _ Affiliates: $3,000 / Non-Member Affiliates: $3,200* * Sponsorship includes 6-months LIBOR affiliate membership to be activated upon completion of a LIBOR New Affiliate Membership application. Application will be provided once sponsorship reservation and payment are received. Name* Type of Business:* Company Name:* Office Address:* Website Address:* Bus. Phone: Fax #: Contact Name: Email:* Two Representatives Attend Complimentary. Please indicate who will be representing your company. Complimentary Rep. 1: Complimentary Rep. 2: Additional Reps Attending are $50 each Additional Representative Names Please separate by comma “By clicking this box, I understand that my sponsorship is placed on a courtesy hold until payment is received. LIBOR will respond in 24 hours to contact you for payment to secure your space.” Read Terms and Conditions For questions regarding payment, please email liboredconference@lirealtor.com or call Denise Riveria at (631) 661-4800 ext. 362