LIBOR 36th Annual Education Conference and Trade Show
Featuring OneKey® MLS Info Track throughout the day!
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, New York

Interested in becoming an Exhibitor/Sponsor?

Exhibitor Opportunities

Affiliates $575 / Non-Member Affiliates $775*

  • 8ft skirted table exhibit space on trade show floor
  • 2 conference admission tickets with access to all events and luncheon
  • Electric and wifi access at booth
  • Listing and logo on conference website
  • Listing and logo in conference program journal
  • Listing in all social media promotion
  • Post event acknowledgement in all LIBOR publications

* Includes 6-Month Affiliate Membership
with LIBOR

Interested in becoming an Exhibitor/Sponsor?


* Sponsorship includes 6-months LIBOR affilate membership to be activated upon completion of a LIBOR New Affiliate Membership application. Application will be provided once sponsorship reservation and payment are received.